Mike Ferdman's Home Page

Mike Ferdman

Associate Professor, CS, Stony Brook University

I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I direct the Computer Architecture Stony Brook (COMPAS) Lab. Prior to joining Stony Brook, I completed my Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) under the supervision of Babak Falsafi. While completing my dissertation, I spent several years working remotely from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

My research interests are in the area of computer architecture, with emphasis on the design of server systems. I work on the entire computing stack, from server software and operating systems, to networks and processor microarchitecture. My current research projects include FPGA accelerator integration into server environments (e.g., Intel HARP, Microsoft Catapult, and Amazon F1), FPGA programmability (e.g., virtual memory and high-level synthesis), accelerators for machine learning (e.g., transformers and convolutional neural networks), efficient network processing and software-defined networking, speculative performance and energy-enhancing techniques for high-performance processors, and programming models and mechanisms for emerging memory technologies (e.g., HBM and 3D XPoint).

If you are a PhD student at Stony Brook and want to work with me, please send me email to arrange an appointment.


Latest News

December 2, 2024: A Case for Hardware Memoization in Server CPUs will appear in CAL.

October 10, 2024: Ready or Not, Here I Come: Characterizing the Security of Prematurely-public Web Applications will appear at ACSAC'24.

September 6, 2024: Xipeng Shen and I will be serving as co-Program Chairs for International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'25).  Please submit your best work!

April 26, 2024: Our paper NUCAlloc: Fine-Grained Block Placement in Hashed Last-Level NUCA Caches will appear at ICS'24.