Friday, February 20, 2015 - 02:30pm to Friday, February 20, 2015 - 04:30pm
CS 2311
Event Description

Designing Interactive Systems that Embrace Uncertainty

Traditionally, computer interfaces have relied on deterministic input (e.g. keyboard and mouse) and plentiful feedback (e.g. visual displays and audio). Today, computer interaction is often off-desktop, performed in diverse environments with diverse devices. This often requires interaction via uncertain input methods such as speech recognition, touchscreen gestures, mid-air gestures, or eye-tracking. Interaction becomes even more challenging when a user's input or output capabilities are limited due to situation or disability. In this talk, I will outline key questions surrounding the design of intelligent interactive systems that are efficient, pleasant, and accessible despite uncertain input and/or limited output. As an example, I will detail our recent work on VelociTap, a state-of-the-art touchscreen keyboard interface. I will describe experiments aimed at improving users' performance when they adopt a sentence-at-a-time entry approach. I will discuss VelociTap's promise for wearable devices and for users who are blind or visually-impaired. Finally, I will outline future directions for intelligent interactive systems that thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Dr. Keith Vertanen specializes in designing intelligent interactive systems that leverage uncertain input technologies. A particular focus of his research is on systems that enhance the capabilities of users with permanent or situationally-induced disabilities. Dr. Vertanen's broader interests include human-computer interaction (HCI), speech and language processing, mobile interfaces, and crowdsourcing. Dr. Vertanen completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of David MacKay. Dr. Vertanen is currently an associate editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vice-president of Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SIG-SLPAT), and was an associate chair for MobileHCI 2014 and IUI 2015.

Event Title
FacCandidate: Keith Vertanen