Faculty Directory

Research Associate Professor
Human psychology, personality and individual differences, motives, emotion, verbal behavior, natural language processing, experimental and… more

Research Assistant Professor
Web Accessibility, Web Content Analysis, Crowdsourcing, Web Automation, Human Computer Interaction Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval… more

Programming Models for Parallel Computing and Scalable Machine Learning; Compiler Technology; High Performance Computing; Application Development… more

Research Associate Professor
Programming Language Theory and Implementation, Program Analysis, Testing and Verification, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Security,… more

Research Assistant Professor
Phillipa Gill's interest is in computer networks, network measurement, inter domain routing, Internet censorship/information controls, security… more

Research Professor
Model-based Design, Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamic Systems, Model Checking, Abstract Interpretation, Logic and Automata Theory, Control… more

Research Assistant Professor
High-level programming languages and efficient implementations. High-quality code that is reliable, fast, and maintainable. Query optimization and… more

Research Assistant Professor
Wireless Distributed Embedded Systems, Sensor Prediction for Energy Efficiency, and Statistical Techniques for Optimizing Designs in the Presence of… more

Associate Professor
Human-Computer Interaction, Human-AI Interaction, AI-powered Input Technologies, Multimodal Interaction, Probabilistic Modeling of User Interaction,… more

Associate Professor
Algorithms and Data Structures for Efficient Serial and Parallel Computations, Cache- and I/O-efficient Computing, Computational Biology and… more

Associate Professor
Computer architecture, operating systems, machine learning, reconfigurable hardware, FPGAs, GPUs, data centers, cloud computing, networks, internet… more

Associate Professor of Practice
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Logic Programming, Complex Event Processing, Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web,… more

Research Assistant Professor
Mathematical and Algorithmic Puzzles, Algorithms to Discover Algorithms, Algorithm Design Techniques, Parallel Algorithms, Cache-Efficient Algorithms… more

Associate Professor
Anshul's high-level research interests are in applying analytical tools to improve computer systems. In particular, his research aims to… more

SUNY Empire Innovation Professor
Computational Conformal Geometry, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision, Geometric Modeling, Networking, Medical Imaging, Digital… more

John S. Toll Professor
Declarative Languages for Data and Knowledge Manipulation, The Semantic Web, Integration of Object-oriented and Deductive Paradigms, Object-oriented… more

Associate Professor
Dongyoon Lee is a computer systems researcher with particular interests in building reliable, secure, and efficient software systems. He loves… more

Languages, Algorithms, Program Design and Optimizations, Program Analysis and Transformations, Intelligent Systems, Distributed Systems, and Security… more

Visualization, Explainable AI, Visual Analytics, Data Science, Big Data, Virtual & Augmented Reality, Medical Imaging, High Performance Computing… more

Distinguished Teaching Professor; SUNY Empire Innovation Professor and Director, AI Institute
Algorithms, Computational Biology, Large-scale Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis, Social Trends Analysis, Combinatorial Computing Environments,… more

Distinguished Professor
Model Checking, Semantics of Concurrency, CASE Tools for Safety-Critical Systems, Safety and Security of Medical Devices and other Cyber-Physical… more

Operating Systems, Programming Language Semantics, Concurrency Theory, Specification and Verification of Distributed Algorithms, and Functional… more

Associate Professor
Foundations of Data Mining Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Biology and Bioinformatics, Applications for the Automated Theorem Provers, Inductive… more

Professor and Graduate Program Director
File Systems and Storage, Operating Systems, Energy Efficiency, Performance and Benchmarking, Security, Networking, Big Data, Distributed Systems,… more

Professor, Graduate Program Director & Associate Chair, Psychology
Psycholinguistics, Eyegaze and Gesture in Communication; Eye-Tracking in Language Processing; Interactive Dialogue; Spoken Dialogue Systems; Human-… more

Low Power and Low Complexity VLSI Design for Multimedia Wireless Communications and Digital Signal Processing Systems, Reconfigurable SoC Design and… more

Associate Professor, AMS
High-performance Geometric and Numerical Computing in Science and Engineering, Efficient and Robust Algorithms, High-performance Software… more

Research Associate Professor
AI for Science, Adversarial attack/defence, Domain adaptation/generalization, Computer vision techniques applied in large scale scientific data… more

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Automatic hardware generation and optimization tools; Domain-specific languages for hardware; Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs); Hardware for… more

Distinguished Professor and Chair, AMS
Computational geometry; algorithms; optimization; applications in transportation, robotics, sensor networks, geometric modeling, visualization.… more
Professor, Linguistics
Owen is interested in morphology, syntax (mainly), and semantics. He is interested in linguistic analyses, in formalisms that can be used to describe… more

Associate Professor, Technology & Society
Educational Applications Employing Innovative Techniques Such as Tangible User Interfaces, Physical Computing, Collaborative Learning Spaces,… more

Assistant Professor, AMS
Principles and practice of machine intelligence, often with a focus on generalization, and making machine learning more reliable. His applied… more

Professor, Psychology
Visual Cognition (Attention, Search, Scene Perception, and Visual Working Memory), with Emphasis on The Behavioral and Computational Study of Eye… more

SUNY Empire Innovation Professor
Power and Energy, Quantum Engineered Resilient Grids, AI-Enabled Smart Grids, Formal Methods & Reachability, Cybersecurity, Stability,… more

In Memoriam - Distinguished Professor
Computational computer vision, image processing, medical imaging, computer graphics, control, mathematical systems theory, control of semiconductor… more