Department of Computer Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424
Arthur Lee is the Chair of the Department of Computer Science at SUNY Korea. He received the BS degree from the University of Utah, MS from Stanford University, and PhD from the University of Utah all in Computer Science. He has held academic appointments at Korea University (7 years, 2 years as Chair), University of Utah (5 years), and Claremont McKenna College (12 years, 2 years as Chair). He has also worked in research labs and industry for over 15 years combined (some while going to school and others while holding an academic appointment): Sandia National Laboratories as an MTS, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as a Research Staff Member, Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. as a Senior Software Engineer, SAP Labs as a Development Expert. His research has been sponsored by government agencies and industry in Korea and USA over the years. He joined SUNY Korea in 2016.
Arthur Lee's research interests are in programming languages, database systems, distributed systems, and data science. He is particularly interested in object-oriented and dynamic languages, main-memory database management systems dealing with both row-and column-stores conscious of big data support in a distributed environment, and supporting data science needs for data management.