Tony Scarlatos
Tony Scarlatos
Senior Lecturer

Department of Computer Science
Old CS Bldg Room 2211
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400

(631) 632-8432
tony [at]
Multimedia, Interface Design, Human Computer Interaction, Computer-based Training, and Computing for Social Good.

Tony Scarlatos is the Director of the Multimedia Lab​. He received his MA from Adelphi University in 1995 and BFA from Pratt Institute in 1982.


Tony Scarlatos' research interests include digital media, computer-human interaction, and educational applications of multimedia. With his combined background in the visual arts, education, and computer science, these are synergistic pursuits. 


His work has been supported through a number of grants: Long Island Lighting Company R&D Initiative (1993 & 1994), New York State Department of Education (1997), Department of Education TIIAP grant (1998), and by a National Science Foundation grant, "CRCD: Innovative Approaches to Computer-Human Interfaces" (2002 - 2006).



Tony Scarlatos is a recipient of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Teaching Excellence Award (2018), the Stony Brook Spirit Award (2019), the Provost's Outstanding Lecturer Award (2023), and the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence In Teaching (2024).

Tony was awarded a Stony Brook Faculty Fellowship for 2025 - 2027 to develop an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on the integration of technology in museums entitled "The Future of History".
Teaching Summary
CSE 101, CSE/ISE 300, CSE/ISE 301, CSE/ISE 312, CSE/ISE 323, CSE/ISE 333, CSE/ISE 334, EST/ISE 339, CSE/ISE 364, HON 301