Dongyoon Lee
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Room 339
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424
(631) 632-1522
Website (URL)
dongyoon [at] cs.stonybrook.edu
Dongyoon Lee is a computer systems researcher with particular interests in building reliable, secure, and efficient software systems. He loves working on the entire computing stack, broadly spanning the areas of language runtime, operating systems, program analysis, software engineering, and hardware architecture.
Dongyoon Lee received the Ph.D. (2013) degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor under the guidance of Prof. Satish Narayanasamy. Before joining Stony Brook University, he worked as an assistant professor at Virginia Tech (2014-2019) and as an academic visitor in the next-generation middleware platforms department at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Fall 2013). Doonyoon is also interned in the operating systems group at Microsoft Research - Redmond (Summer 2012); and in the systems analysis and verification department at NEC Laboratories America (Summer 2011).
The current projects include:
- Software Reliability
- Concurrency bug detection [CGO'18][EuroSys'17][ASPLOS'17][ASPLOS'16]
- Transient fault (soft error) tolerance [MICRO'16][SC'16][LCTES'15]
- Software Security
- Linux kernel permissions [USENIX Security'19]
- Denial of service [USENIX Security'18][FSE'18][EuroSec'17]
- Memory safety [ASPLOS'19][MICRO'18]
- Runtime Systems
- Edge stream processing [ATC'19]
- Distributed key value stores [SC'18]
Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE 2018; ICTAS Junior Faculty Award (Virginia Tech) 2017; Best Student Paper Finalist at SC 2016; Google Research Award 2015; Best Paper Award at ASPLOS 2011