Susan Brennan
Professor, Graduate Program Director & Associate Chair, Psychology
Department of Psychology
Psy B322 and B152
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2500
(631) 632-9145
Website (URL)
susan.brennan [at] stonybrook.edu
Psycholinguistics, Eyegaze and Gesture in Communication; Eye-Tracking in Language Processing; Interactive Dialogue; Spoken Dialogue Systems; Human-Computer Interaction.
Susan Brennan received her Ph.D. in Psychology (specializing in Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Science) from Stanford University in 1990, M.S.V.S., Architecture Machine Group (now known as The MIT Media Lab ) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA in 1982, and B.A. in Anthropology from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 1975.
Susan Brennan has the following research grants:
- EAGER: Modeling Distinctive Partners in Adaptive Spoken Dialog. PI on collaborative NSF proposal with Marilyn Walker of UCSD. 9/1/2010-2/1/2012.
- Using gaze cues to build partner models for collaborative behavior. Co-PI (with Gregory Zelinsky and Dimitris Samaras) on NSF SoCS interdisciplinary project in Psychology and Computer Science. 8/1/2011-7/31/2015.
Susan Brennan is a recipient of the Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Education by a Graduate Program Director in 2012, Chancellor's Research Recognition Award, The Research Foundation of SUNY in 2003, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Stanford University (1986-1989), and American Can Company Full Scholarship, Cornell University (1971-1975).
Teaching Summary
PSY 260, PSY 365, PSY 384, PSY 520