Omar Chowdhury
Associate Professor, SUNY Empire Innovation Scholar

Department of Computer Science
Room: NCS 363 
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424

omar [at]
Network Security, Software Security, Privacy, Software Testing, Protocol Analysis and Testing, Program Analysis, Program Verification, Runtime Verification, Program Synthesis, Model Checking, SMT.

Omar was a post-doctoral research associate at Cylab, Carnegie Mellon University (Host: Prof. Anupam Datta) and Purdue University (Host: Prof. Ninghui Li). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio under the supervision of Prof. Jianwei Niu and Prof. William H. Winsborough (deceased). He received his undergraduate education in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).


Omar's research interest lies in Computer Security and Privacy. Broadly, He is interested in applying techniques from formal verification and runtime monitoring in achieving provable security and privacy assurances of modern systems and protocols. He is also interested in applying formal verification and software engineering techniques to automatically detect functional bugs in network protocols and safety-critical cyber-physical and IoT systems.

2023 Test of Time Award, ACM SACMAT '23
2022 Dean's Scholar Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), The University of Iowa
2021 Best Paper Award (Runner Up), ACM CCS'21
2020 Best Paper Award, ACNS'20
2019 DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA)
2019 Best Paper Award, IEEE DASC'19
2019 Best Paper Award, ACSAC'19
2019 Distinguished Paper Award Honorable Mention, NDSS'19
2017 CSAW North America Finalist, CSAW'17 Applied Research Competition
2012 Best Paper Award, ACM SACMAT'12