Allen Tannenbaum
In Memoriam - Distinguished Professor
It is with great sadness that the Department of Computer Science reports the loss of Dr. Allen Tannenbaum, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.
Computational computer vision, image processing, medical imaging, computer graphics, control, mathematical systems theory, control of semiconductor fabrication processes, robotics, operator theory, functional analysis, algebraic geometry, dierential geometry, invariant theory, and partial differential equations.
Allen Tannenbaum was affiliated with the Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics. He obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University.
Allen Tannenbaum research focused on Medical image analysis; computer vision; image processing; systems and control; controlled active vision; mathematical systems theory; bioinformatics; computer graphics.
Allen Tannenbaum was a recipient of the Phi beta kappa, Kennedy Research Prize (Weizmann Institute), NSF Research Initiation Award, O. Hugo Schuck Award and many more.