Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - 04:15pm to Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - 05:15pm
Event Description

Abstract: The virtual camera connects people and interactive computer graphics together. Camera control methods enable the users to explore the virtual environment in desired ways. Traditional camera control methods mainly follow the objective metrics, such as maximizing the information visibility in the camera views, which, however, ignores the significant influence of the users' subjective experience. The perceptual judgment from users is particularly magnified in the camera control in immersive environments since the immersive explorations are user-dependent and the immersion comes from the subjective experience, instead of from a universal formulated objective metric.

In this proposal, the cutting-edge camera control techniques in both non-immersive scenarios and immersive scenarios are summarized first. Subsequently, we present a perceptual camera control method for virtual reality explorations with reduced motion sickness.
Furthermore, we present how to apply the camera control methods with perception metrics in neuron data visualization and urban data visualization. In both application domains, the camera views still rely on the user's real-time input. Beyond these proposed techniques for the practical application scenarios, an automatic camera view finding method is present to show the possibility of the aesthetics-driven exploration in an arbitrary indoor scene.

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Event Title
Ph.D. Proposal Defense: Ping (Peggy) Hu, 'Perceptual Camera Control for Immersive Explorations'