Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 07:00pm to Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 10:30pm
Old Computer Science, Room 2120
Event Description

The Stony Brook Competitive Programming Club (CompProg) and Women in Computer Science (WiCS) are organizing a local ACM-style Coding Contest on

        Thursday, September 19, 2019
        Room 2120 of Old Computer Science Building

        7:00 - 7:30PM -- warmup
        7:30 - 10:30PM -- competition

Each participant must compete alone, and will get 5-7 algorithmic programming problems to solve in 3 hours.

The goal is to identify the top candidates for our ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) teams, which will participate in the Greater New York Regional Contest for a slot in the ACM World Finals to be held in Moscow, Russia next Summer.

Google and Stony Brook GSO (Graduate Student Organization). 

PRIZES (with a new prize by WiCS!):
There will be prizes for the top ten (10) finishers in the selection contest. 

Major prizes will be awarded to the top finisher in each of the three categories:

(1) Juniors (for first- and second-year undergrads),
(2) Seniors (for third- and fourth-year undergrads), and
(3) Grads (for first- and second-year graduate students).

Another new major prize will be awarded by WiCS:

WiCS Choice Award: to be given to a top contestant (chosen by WiCS) not already receiving an award in the grade categories.

Please register for the selection contest by September 15 (Sunday) at No registration is required for the practice contest. 

Since both contests (practice and selection) will be hosted on HackerRank, you must register a free account at (which takes about a minute) if you have not already done so. Note that for your HackerRank account you must use exactly the same email address and first/last names that you will provide in the contest registration form above.

For more information about the competition, please check out

Problem sets used in our old selection contests can be found here:

Stony Brook's performance in the 2018 Greater New York ACM Regional Contest:

We also have a new Google group for competitive programming:

Please join the group if you are interested in receiving future announcements.

We look forward to seeing you at the contest!

Event Title
CompProg and WiCS ACM-style Coding Selection Contest (with SWAG, Prizes, Pizzas!)