Friday, October 18, 2019 - 02:30pm to Friday, October 18, 2019 - 03:30pm
NCS 120
Event Description

Software Security 00000101: Building Trust from the Bits presented by Kevin Hamlen

Reception will follow on the 2nd floor. Students: Come meet Prof. Hamlen at 4:30pm in NCS 346 (Seclab/Hexlab) and show him the great talent we have here.

ABSTRACT: Insecure software is pervasive; over 99% of Internet-connected computers are running software with known vulnerabilities, and this doesn't even include software whose vulnerabilities remain undiscovered by defenders. In this talk, Dr. Kevin Hamlen will present his efforts over the past decade to build a foundational yet practical science of software security that hardens vulnerable code automatically down to the binary level, supplying formal guarantees about the final product's resilience against attacks. He will also present his pioneering work on Cyberdeceptive Software Engineering, which changes the attacker-defender game by hiding true vulnerabilities in a sea of fakes, and by turning attempted intrusions into games that benefit defenders. Future and upcoming work soon to be presented at several top security venues will be discussed. 

BIO: Dr. Kevin Hamlen is a Eugene McDermott (endowed chair) Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas. His research on binary software security, active defense, malware analysis, Web security and software cyberdeception has received numerous awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, AFOSR Young Investigator Award, CSAW Best Applied Security Paper of the Year 2nd prize (twice), NSF I/UCRC Technology Breakthrough Award and numerous conference Best Paper awards. His discoveries have made thousands of news headlines worldwide, including in The Economist, New Scientist, The Economic Times and Wired. He is a principal investigator for ONR, AFOSR, DARPA, NSF, NSA and ARL with federal awards totaling more than $20M across numerous agencies. He received his PhD and MS degrees from Cornell University, and his BS degree from Carnegie Mellon University, where his undergraduate research on Proof Carrying Code won the Allen Newell Award.

Event Title
CSE600 Talk: Software Security 00000101: Building Trust from the Bits