Friday, April 27, 2018 - 02:30pm to Friday, April 27, 2018 - 03:30pm
NCS 120
Event Description


This informal presentation will describe algorithmic approaches for preparing and delivering great technical talks.


MichaelA. Bender is an associate professor of computer science at the Stony Brook University and Chief Scientist at Tokutek, Inc. His research interests include analysis of algorithms, databases, parallel computing, scheduling, datastructures, and I/O-efficient computing on large data sets. Bender co-foundedTokutek in 2006, where he serves as Chief Scientist. He has held VisitingScientist positions at both MIT and King's College London. Bender has co-authored over 90 articles. He was a member of the Sandia team that won theCPA R&D 100 Award for scheduling in parallel computers. He has also wonfour awards for graduate and undergraduate teaching. Bender received his Applied Mathematics from Harvard University in 1992 and obtained a D.E.A. in Computer Science from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France in 1993. He completed a Ph.D. on Scheduling Algorithms from Harvard University in 1998.

Event Title
How to Prepare and Deliver a Talk