Software License Agreement for I.V. Ramakrishnan and Mark Henry

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Mark Henry

I.V. Ramakrishnan

Stony Brook University's Office of Technology Licensing has recently entered into an exclusive patent and software license agreement with Patient Code Software Inc., a start-up company that has initiated product development and marketing relating to a new electronic health record management software.  β€‹The software was developed through a collaborative relationship between Mark Henry, M.D. from the Stony Brook School of Medicine & Department of Emergency Medicine and Dr. I.V. Ramakrishnan from the Department of Computer Science. 

The Automated Patient Code Recognition software enables the identification of certain symptoms or co-morbidities which may otherwise be overlooked during examination and diagnosis. Co-morbidities affect patients healing and duration of a hospital stay and knowledge of their existence by a patient's healthcare team is key to proper diagnosis. Once the symptom or co-morbidity is known it is important that hospital coding is accurate in analyzing services. This project sought to provide a method to automate the search of the electronic health record and pull co-morbidities from laboratory values, vital sign monitoring, radiography reports, and other electronic records. 

According to the licensing agreement, this novel software program tracks admitted patients and pushes charted data to an attending physician enabling the identification of symptoms and co-morbidities that may have gone overlooked. Its advantages include:

  • Live update of EHR patient records and databases
  • Increased and more accurate CMI of hospitals
  • Tracking of undiagnosed afflictions that exist separate from the primary diagnoses

Congratulations to Drs. Henry and Ramakrishnan! Read more about Patient Code Software, Inc here