2020 Summer Lecture Series: Computational Conformal Geometry

Computer Science Professor David Gu is presenting a summer lecture series: Computational Conformal Geometry. The lectures will cover the central concepts and theorems in algebraic topology, surface differential geometry, Riemann surface theory and geometric partial differential equations. In addition, the lectures will also focus on computational methods for surface fundamental group, homology group, harmonic maps, meromorphic differentials, foliation, conformal mapping, quasi-conformal mapping and Ricci flow. An introduction to their applications in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visualization, Geometric Modeling, Networking, Medical Imaging and Deep Learning will also be provided.

The lectures will be held every Friday and Saturday running from 9:00-10:30pm EST, July 3rd to September 4th. The Zoom link and live streaming link can be found on the lecture Website. The lecture notes, videos and demo codes will be posted there as well. Due to the overwhelming number of registrations, you may not be able to join the Zoom webinar. Alternatively, you can watch the recorded video.