Y. Annie Liu
Y. Annie Liu

Department of Computer Science
Room 237
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424

(631) 632-8463
liu [at] cs.stonybrook.edu
Languages, Algorithms, Program Design and Optimizations, Program Analysis and Transformations, Intelligent Systems, Distributed Systems, and Security.

Annie Liu a Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University.  She received her Ph.D. and M.S. from Cornell University, M.Eng. from Tsinghua University, and B.S. from Peking University, all in Computer Science.


Annie Liu's Design and Analysis Research Laboratory has projects in modeling and specification, analysis and verification, design and optimization, code generation, and testing.  These projects are for optimizing compilers, interactive environments, real-time and embedded systems, database systems, semantic Web, distributed systems, big data analysis, security, and more.

Annie Liu is a recipient of the Best Student Paper Award, 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, and the State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities.
Teaching Summary
CSE 215, CSE/ISE 305, CSE 307, CSE/ISE 308, CSE/ISE 315, CSE 352, CSE/MAT 373, CSE 391, CSE 392, CSE 393, CSE 505, CSE 526, CSE 532, CSE 535, CSE 591, CSE 592, CSE 614, CSE 626, CSE 645, CSE 667, CSE 675, CSE 690, ITS 102, SBU 102.