Department of Computer Science
Room 255
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424
H. Andrew Schwartz is the director of the Human Language Analysis Lab (HLAB) housed in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University (SUNY) and a PI/co-founder of the World Well-Being Project - a multidisciplinary consortium between the University of Pennsylvania, Stony Brook University, and Stanford University focused on developing large-scale language analyses that reveal differences in health, personality, and well-being. Prior, Andrew was postdoctoral fellow and lead research scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, after receiving his PhD in computer science in 2011 from the University of Central Florida. He was the 2020 recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award and he participates in public service groups such as the UN Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics. Andrew is also the co-creator of the new R-Text package, which brings the language model technology behind ChatGPT to R, and the maintainer of the well-established Python package Differential Language Analysis ToolKit (DLATK), used in over 100 studies and by various tech companies.
Utilizing natural language processing and machine learning techniques, Andrew's research: (1) improves the state of the art in natural language processing (AI) - modeling language in its human, social, cognitive, and temporal contexts, and (2) investigates language and speech as a window into the human condition - mental health, fundamental human traits, and behavioral motives. He is an active contributor in the fields of AI-natural language processing, health informatics, and psychology.
202 recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award.
Almetric top 25 most talked about research papers in 2013.