Xiaojun Bi
Xiaojun Bi
Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science
Room 161
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424

xiaojun [at] cs.stonybrook.edu
Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Computing, Interactive Systems, Interaction Techniques, Theoretical Issues of UI Design.

Xiaojun Bi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. Prior to joining Stony Brook, he was a Research Scientist at Google LLC. in California. Xiaojun Bi earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, working with Ravin Balakrishnan. He received his Master's degree in Computer Science, and Bachelor's degree in Automation both from Tsinghua University.


Xiaojun Bi's research interests include user input modeling, mobile interaction, intelligent input technologies, and accessible computing. His major research directions include (1) creating mathematical models to understand, explain, and predict users' interaction with computers, and (2) leveraging these models to research and develop intelligent input technologies.

Xiaojun Bi has authored over 40 publications in the premier Human Computer Interaction publication venues such as CHI and UIST, and has received 10 Best Paper or Honorable Mention awards. He is a two-time Google Faculty Research Award winner and inventor of 33 US patents.
Teaching Summary
CSE 518 Foundations of Human Computer Interaction, CSE/ISE/EST 323 Human Computer Interaction.