Monday, March 07, 2022 - 07:00pm to Monday, March 07, 2022 - 08:00pm
Zoom - contact for details.
Event Description


Design and Evaluation of Accessible AI Technologies for Users with Disabilities



Over one billion people in the world live with some type of disability. Many of them experience barriers in accessing information or using technologies, which can limit social interactions in both physical and digital spaces. In my research, I focus on investigating and designing nonvisual interaction for the community of blind users and non-audio and non-speech interaction for the community of deaf and hard of hearing users.


In this talk, I will first present my research investigating nonvisual interaction prototypes for supporting shopping activities for blind users, with an exploration of one-way instructional and two-way conversational interactions and with a variety of form factors and communication modalities through the use of human-computer interaction research methodologies. I will also discuss incorporation of AI technology and its impact on the nonvisual guidance experiences, and further meanings of independence and new ways for designing independence for people with visual impairments. This collaborative work included AI researchers, the community of the blind, and an industry research partner. Additionally, I will discuss my findings and further exciting research opportunities.


Secondly, I will overview research projects investigating AI-based applications and tools that support deaf and hard of hearing people's equitable information access and societal participation. This work addresses engagement in online social media spaces, workplace communication, participation in gig work, and interaction with mainstream technology through American Sign Language (ASL) interaction. I will focus on a recent project on users' experiences with AI deep-fake face-transformation technologies to support anonymous participation of deaf and hard of hearing signers in online social media. Lastly, I will discuss my future research directions informed and inspired by this prior and current research.



Sooyeon Lee is a postdoctoral research associate in the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology. She received her Ph.D., advised by Dr. John M. Carroll, in Information Sciences and Technology from the College of Information Sciences and Technology at The Pennsylvania State University, and she also conducted design research at Google and Uber. Her research is in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Human-AI Interaction with focus on accessibility. She designs, builds, and evaluates new systems and applications that address accessibility barriers. Her work investigates the diversity of users, explores and leverages emerging technologies, and adopts human-centered design and inclusive design approaches in an interdisciplinary research framework. She has multiple publications in top-tier human-computer interaction and computing accessibility journals and conferences, including ACM CHI, CSCW, ASSETS, and TACCESS, and she has received a Best Paper Award Nomination at ASSETS 2021. She has served on Associate Chair for the ACM CHI conference and will serve on Program Committee for ASSETS 2022.

Event Title
PhD Seminar, Sooyeon Lee, Rochester Institute of Technology: 'Design and Evaluation of Accessible AI Technologies for Users with Disabilities'