You are invited to attend Tao Sun's PhD Thesis Defense.
Zoom Link: ID: 927 3625 8273
Passcode: 466399
Deep learning models have achieved remarkable success across a wide range of computer vision tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation, etc. However, such success highly relies on a large amount of annotated data, which are expensive to obtain. Moreover, their performance often degrades when there exist distribution shifts between training and test data. Domain Adaptation overcomes these issues by transferring knowledge from a label-rich source domain to a related but different target domain. Despite its popularity, domain adaptation is still a challenging task, especially when the data distribution shifts are severe, while the target domain has no or few labeled data.
In this thesis, I develop four efficient domain adaptation approaches to improve model performance on the target domain. Firstly, inspired by the large-scale pretraining of Vision Transformers, I explore Transformer-based domain adaptation for stronger feature representation and design a safe training mechanism to avoid model collapse in the situation of a large domain gap. Secondly, I observe that source models have low confidences on the target data. To address this, I focus on the penultimate activations of target data and propose an adversarial training strategy to enhance model prediction confidences. Thirdly, I study using weak supervision from prior knowledge about target domain label distribution. A novel Knowledge-guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation paradigm is devised, and a plug-in module is designed to rectify pseudo labels. Lastly, I step into the task of Active Domain Adaptation, where the labels of a small portion of target data can be inquired. I propose a novel active selection criterion based on the local context and devise a progressive augmentation module to better utilize queried target data. The robustness of domain adaptation approaches, in addition to accuracy, is critical yet under-explored. To conclude the thesis, I empirically study set prediction in domain adaptation using the tool of conformal prediction and conformal training.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 04:00pm to Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 06:00pm
New Computer Science Room 120
Event Description
Event Title
PhD Thesis Defense: Overcoming Data Distribution Shifts with Efficient Domain Adaptation Approaches