
Course CSE525
Title Introduction to Robotics
Credits 3 - credits
Course Coordinator

This course introduces the fundamental concepts in robotics, including coordinate transformations, visual perception, sensors, path planning, kinematics, feedback control, and feedforward control. These topics will be exemplified with several state-of-the-art robotics platforms. The course will also focus on applying the fundamental concepts to the key approaches to mobile robot control (reactive, behavior-based, and hybrid), and briefly discuss robot learning and multi-robot systems.

Course Outcomes
  • Probabilistic Robotics. S, Thrun et al. MIT Press 2005.

  • Introduction to robotics. J.J. Craig. Prentice Hall, 3ed, 2003.

Major Topics Covered in Course
  • Week 1. Introduction, a brief history of robotics

  • Week 2. Sensing and sensors

  • Week 3. Quiz 1. Visual processing, computer vision techniques

  • Week 4. Probabilistic robotics

  • Week 5. Localization and mapping

  • Week 6. Quiz 2. Mobile platforms

  • Week 7. Path planning

  • Week 8. Review and midterm

  • Week 9. Effectors and Actuators

  • Week 10. Manipulation. Direct Kinematics

  • Week 11. Quiz 3. Dynamics. Inverse Kinemetics

  • Week 12. Feedback control

  • Week 13. Behavior-based control

  • Week 14. Group robotics

  • Week 15. Final projects

Course Webpage
