Department Proxy
How do I set up my browser to use the web proxy? or
I cannot ftp files through my browser? or
I cannot open an ftp directory through my browser? or
All ftp links time out through the web browser? or
I cannot view a webpage, because it sends data on a higher data port?
The current configuration for the proxy server is:
Port Use
---- --------------------
1080 HTTP and HTTPS proxy
2121 FTP proxy ( web browsers only, not valid for Unix Netscape)
Click here to setup proxy for: Netscape
Internet Explorer
- Go to Edit/Preferences.
- Under the Advanced Tab, Select Proxies.
- Select Manual Proxy Configuration
- Click on View
- Enter the required information. In the end, your configuration should like this picture
For Unix
For PC's
Do read the Important notes at the bottom of the page.
- Go to Tools/Internet Options
- Click on Connections Tab
- Click on Lan Settings
- Select Use a Proxy Server. Also, Select Bypass Proxy server for local addresses if it is not selected.
- Click on Advanced
- Enter the required information. In the end, your configuration should like this picture.
- The Http and Security proxies are only required if you are trying to connect to a website which uses a non-standard port (i.e. other than port 80). If you use the proxy for standard surfing, it may slow down your internet connection. We recommend disabling the proxy when you do not need it.
- The purpose of the proxy is to allow access to http/ftp ports, that might otherwise be blocked by the firewall.
- The proxy is for the main dept networks. labs outside the main networks don't need the proxy services (lmc, ecsl, security, etc).
- Once you setup your proxy settings, you can disable using the proxy by selecting the Direct connection to the internet (for Netscape) or deselecting Use a proxy server (for Internet Explorer). Usually this will not clear your proxy settings when you re-enable the proxy.
- We don't make any privacy warranties.